Shalom Sibony

Shalom Sibony

European Coordinator
Born and raised in France, Shalom graduated from the Central Tomchei Tmimim in New York and obtained his rabbinic ordination with distinction. Prior to that, he had attended the same school’s High School division in Brunoy, France. He acts as the European Coordinator of America EB5 Visa. In addition, he is the Sagan Rosh Kollel of the Manhattan Kollel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The Manhattan Kollel is an affiliate of Manhattan Sephardic Congregation where Shalom is also the Hebrew School director and head of administration. Both in his supervisory capacity in the Manhattan Kollel and in his capacity in Manhattan Sephardic Congregation, Shalom has the opportunity to interact on a very personal basis with immigrants from the Middle East, North Africa, Canada, and French speaking countries such as France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. As an immigrant to the United States himself, Shalom identifies with the unique challenges of each EB5 Visa seeking client of our company. Fluent in his native tongues French and Hebrew, Shalom acts as an invaluable resource to citizens emigrating from foreign countries where these languages are spoken. When asked about values that are most important to Shalom, he lists professionalism, humility, dedication, reliability and diligence on the top. In his free time, Shalom is an avid chess player, martial arts enthusiast, and cook. Shalom’s clients find tremendous comfort in knowing that even though the immigration via investment process is complicated, they can count on their advisor whose integrity, knowledge, and above all honesty is manifest in all of his dealings.

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